Why would I buy an epilator?
A great many women who have regularly shaved their legs and bikini area are now looking for more effective ways of achieving the same or better results. An epilator removes hairs at the root by grasping them in a tweezer action and pulling them out.
Is an epilator better than a shaver?
The action of the epilator means that the hairs are removed from within the skin so there is no stubble and the skin feels smoother.
Does the hair grow back thicker?
No, the thickness of the hair is determined by the follicle from which it grows. Epilation or shaving does not alter this. Epilation actually causes the hairs to grow back naturally with finer tips so there is not the rough feel that a blunt tip, as left by a shaver which causes the hairs to look thicker or darker.
Is using an epilator painful?
The tweezing action by which the hairs are removed can lead to some short lived irritation, especially for new users, however it is probably less painful than plucking your eyebrows.
What is the best way to epilate?
It is generally thought that in the evening after a warm bath or shower when your skin is relaxed is a good time to use an epilator. In fact some of the better epilators can be used whilst in the bath or shower. When you wake up in the morning any irritation will be gone and you will have smooth, beautiful legs.
Another plus point about epilation is that because the hairs are removed at the root they will grow back more slowly as the re growth is determined by the growth stage of the individual follicle. Regular use of the epilator will gradually cause re growth to actually reduce so you can be smoother for longer.
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